Local Information and Resources
Here are a few resources to help you with your home whether you’re buying or selling or just looking for information.
Bullards Bar Reservoir
Bullards Bar Reservoir in neighboring Yuba County offers camping and picnic grounds as well as launch ramps and a resort at Emerald Cove Marina. Houseboat vacation rentals are available. Kokanee and trout are reported to be resident fish in this lake. Check their website for more info. www.bullardsbar.com
The Yuba River
The Yuba River has a Wild and Scenic designation and is a popular attraction for folks visiting the beautiful Sierra Nevada area. The south fork is home to many swimming areas such as Twin Bridges, Edwards Crossing, Purdon Crossing, Bridgeport as well as those off the beaten track. The middle fork of the Yuba is the county line between Nevada and Sierra counties. The North fork travels to Downieville, Sierra City and beyond. To protect this beautiful river become familiar with and give your support to the South Yuba River Citizens League. Check their website at www.syrcl.org
The North Columbia Schoolhouse and Cultural Center
The North Columbia Schoolhouse and Cultural Center is home to the popular Sierra Story Telling Festival which has taken place in July for the last 21 years. The outdoor amphitheater out back under the trees and stars makes this a wonderful event for both young and old.
Other events, such as craft shows, live entertainment and local gatherings are also hosted throughout the year. Check their website at www.sierrastorytellingfestival.org
Double Oak Vineyards and Winery
Bob and Ginny Hilsman long time San Juan Ridge residents present Double Oak Vineyards and Winery. Located at the corner of Purdon Rd. and Blind Shady. Minutes to Mother Trucker’s market, north of the Highway 49 Bridge on the South Yuba River. . For more information contact them at www.doubleoakwinery.com
The Ananda Community
The Ananda community located off Tyler Foote and Sages Rd. has been a part of the San Juan Ridge since the late 60’s. Their land of 840 acres is probably one of the most beautiful places one can visit and meditate on. The Expanding Light is Ananda’s Yoga and Meditation Retreat Center. For more information visit their website at www.expandinglight.org
The Twin Ridges Elementary School District
The Twin Ridges Elementary School District is located on the San Juan Ridge. The district office is on Oak Tree Rd., Grizzly Hill middle school is near North Columbia, Malakoff School is near the Malakoff State Park and Washington is on the South Fork of the Yuba River. There are also numerous charter schools. This district is the 2nd largest geographically in the State of California due to the remoteness of some of the schools in the district.
Sierra Family Medical Clinic
It is the mission of the Sierra Family Medical Clinic to provide comprehensive, high-quality healthcare and Health Education to people of all ages and incomes living in and around the rural area of the San Juan Ridge. Dr. Peter Van Houten, an Ananda resident founded the clinic more than 20 years ago. He is currently the medical director and serves his patients with 7 other staff members. In July 2006, he was honored by the Grass Valley Rotary for his contribution to the community. A dental clinic and mental health service are also on site. For more information on this vital health facility go to www.sierraclinic.org
The Malakoff Historic State Park
The Malakoff Historic State Park is in between North San Juan and the town of Washington on North Bloomfield Rd. approx. 26 miles from Nevada City. It is the home of the Malakoff Diggins where the land was hydraulically mined beginning in 1852 and until 1884. Hydraulic mining was done with high powered water monitors, washing away the top soil and to find the gold within the fine soils.The influx of people during the Gold Rush was greatest in recent history and there are many old mining cabins in and around the towns of North Columbia, North Bloomfield and Graniteville to remind us of these days gone by. The second weekend of June is the time to see this park for its Humbug day celebration. Rope making, soap making, clog dancing and gun fight reenactments have been seen during this summer weekend. Check the website www.pioneermining.com for further details.
The North San Juan Fire Dept.
The North San Juan Fire Dept. has undergone many changes since its inception in 1862. It is known as the oldest volunteer fire dept. in Nevada County. This dedicated department responds to nearly 300 incidents each year. Show your support and attend the popular fundraiser for this organization which is the Annual Mother’s Day Scotch Broom breakfast at the North San Juan firehall at Reservoir and Cherokee Sts. Also, if you are thinking of being a volunteer, please contact them or visit their website www.nsjfire.org
Milano’s Inn
Welcome the newly built and quaint bed and breakfast of Milano’s Inn. Come to the North San Juan area, for a fine restful lodging experience stop by and meet the innkeeper’s Frank and Jean Milano. Located just one block off Highway 49 on Cherokee St. For further information visit their website www.Milanosinn.com
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